The game also worked well deployed using Java Web Start in full-screen mode, but I was unable to get my Ubuntu/Linux system back and had to reboot. The one game I tried, the demo RPG, worked well as an applet. The site includes many sample games, which can be played using Java Web Start or as applets. Golden T Game Engine (GTGE) is "an advanced cross-platform game programming library written in Java language". JGame uses 2D graphics acceleration where available, but using OpenGL enables better graphical quality".
Graphics are scaled automatically to fit any screen size, from the smallest mobile device to full-screen desktop PC. JGame games can be run in a variety of ways without requiring any changes in the code: regular applications, webstart, applets, or MIDlets. It is based on sprites with automatic animation and collision detection, a tile-based background with easy sprite-tile interaction facilities, and high-level game state and game sequence facilities. It provides a very high-level framework for developing "classic" type arcade games. JGame is "an open source 2D game engine that runs on any Java 1.2+ JRE platform (with optional OpenGL enhancements through JOGL), as well as the mobile J2ME (CLDC1.1/MIDP2.0) platform. Few if any of the examples are games, but they are quite interesting. Examples at the site are deployed as Java applets.
Processing is implemented using Java, and Processing code is converted to Java code which is then compiled using the ECJ (Eclipse compiler).
Initially developed to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing also has evolved into a tool for generating finished professional work". Processing is "an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. The only demo I tried did not work - a lot of stuff was downloaded, the screen mode changed, and then it was gone. The demos are deployed using Java Web Start. jME is completely open source under the BSD license". Currently, both LWJGL and JOGL are supported. Using an abstraction layer, it allows any rendering system to be plugged in.
jME was built to fulfill the lack of full featured graphics engines written in Java. JME (jMonkey Engine) is "a high performance scene graph based graphics API.